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RE:[sap-basis] does any body know how to deploy Oracle JDBC driver in PI 7.1 system?

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Posted by Raghav(SAP PI Basis Consultant)
on 07/13/2009 11:48:00 AM

You're right. Didn't notice you'd mentioned PI 7.1.
I believe you will have to deploy using the forced option as below for updating the existing SDA/SCA that have any version as below:
* Start JSPM with the option as below:
go "-config=/jspm/forceMode=true" "-config=/jspm/deployVersionRule=updateAll"
* Proceed next with hotfix option in the menu list after copying the aiijmsproviderlib.sda file to the EPS/in JSPM inbox.
Since the SDA file already exists, it doesn't probably recognize it. I think you must've referred this already, but you need to deploy the SDA files in PI 7.1 using "hotfix" option in JSPM.
* The urls to this effect and SAP Notes are as below:
1) http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nwpi711/helpdata/en/46/72e12c832e0ad5e10000000a11466f/frameset.htm
2) Note 1138877 - PI 7.1 : How to Deploy External Drivers JDBC/JMS Adapters
3) Note 1123333 - Redeploying same component with JSPM
Let me know how it goes.

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