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Re: [sap-log-sd] Automatic creation of shipment cost documents

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Posted by raysudhansukumar
on 07/05/2009 02:05:00 PM

In SPRO, you can specify at point of time, you want to create shipment cost
document, like at the Check in or at the loading end.
You can assign this to the activity profile also.
On Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 1:11 PM, shadab.ahme... via sap-log-sd <
sap-log-sd@groups.ittoolbox.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> my client is making 1000's of shipment documents and then shipment cost
> documents by goin on to vt01n and so on. is there a way to configure the
> system such that it automatically creates a shipment cost document upon
> saving the shipment document.?
> also if possibl is it possible to create shipment document automatically
> after saving your delivery document .
> best regards,

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