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RE: [sap-log-mm] Planned Delivery Costs on the PO but not on the SO

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Posted by anshumanwahal(consultant)
on 07/04/2009 09:19:00 AM


for that, please check if the conditions for customs etc are marked as price in the conditon type.
change that to delivery costs. doing this will not allow thw values from these conditions to affect your Gross Price.
try and confirm if it helps.

Anshuman Wahal

From: sap-log-mm@Groups.ITtoolbox.com
To: wahalanshuman@hotmail.com
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 09:36:54 -0400
Subject: RE:[sap-log-mm] Planned Delivery Costs on the PO but not on the SO
Hi Guys,
Thanks for you help. I agree the conditions are maintained separetly, and I was confusing the inbound and outbound freight charges. From what I understand now, the freight and customs conditions are attached to the vendor at a set percent of the purchase price. This is so to accru for the charges of freight and customs, it does not form part of the net purchase price nor does it get back-charged to the customer, but it does affect the GP of sale. The condition costs get posted to the P&L once GR/IR.
Cheers guys.

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