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RE: [sap-dev] SAP Inbound 830 using Delfor02

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Posted by Odysseus(SAP EDI Consultant)
on 07/05/2009 02:04:00 PM

Kneal . I don't know what IDoc your 830 is being mapped to or what business
document it's posting to in SAP. It's also important to understand what the
larger business process is that the 830 supports?

Does each of your "Line Items" refer to a different ship-to or ship-from
location in the N1 segment in the LIN details looping group? If so, you and
the SAP consultants are in a sense talking apples and oranges. What is a
single document to you is multiple documents in SAP, one per sold-to and
ship-to partner. This is not uncommon with other ERP systems.

The key here is the business document that you're posting to in SAP and the
larger business process that it is part of. You need to understand this to
understand what your issue is and to provide alternatives. The SAP document
and process drive the EDI.

Having said that, and not understanding what exactly SAP expects of your EDI
transaction, I've done this sort thing a few times, with inbound orders and
outbound order confirmations. I cover this fairly extensively in my book.
You can either do this splitting into multiple IDocs through a script, in
your map, or in ABAP code after the IDoc arrives but before it posts to the
SAP document. I've done it both in the EDI system, with custom code in the
map, and in SAP with custom ABAP code.

My preference is to write ABAP code, which simplifies the EDI mapping
requirement and keeps tighter control of the process in the SAP system,
which is the business system of record, has all the supporting data, and has
a complete monitoring infrastructure that can be easily plugged into by
calling standard IDoc interface functions in the custom code.

You need to understand the SAP process better and your SAP consultants
should consider an SAP solution, which means either a custom IDoc processing
function or custom ABAP code in the standard function through a user exit.

Good luck.

Emmanuel Hadzipetros
SAP EDI Consultant

Be sure to read my new book from SAP Press "Architecting EDI with SAP
http://www.sappress.com/product.cfm?account<http://www.sappress.com/product.cfm?account=&product=H3003> &product=H3003

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From: USER_1593287 via sap-dev [mailto:sap-dev@Groups.ITtoolbox.com]
Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2009 7:41 AM
To: Odysseus
Subject: [sap-dev] SAP Inbound 830 using Delfor02

I am an EDI consultant who is working with a customer that is receiving
inbound 830's from their Trading Partners. One of the Trading Partner's is
sending multiple line item on the 830. The SAP consultants are telling this
company that SAP cannot handle multiple line items on the 830 and want me to
create multiple IDOC from 1 830. I cannot believe that SAP has this type of
constraints and hoping someone can help us out with this issue

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