Re: [sap-basis] Problem while Installing ECC 60
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on 07/13/2009 12:09:00 PM
Hi Deepak
check this out...when you do this, you should be able to see
from PR1 -- start > CMD> \\development <file://development/>system\\sapmnt\trans
from DEV --start> CMD>
simoultaneously go to /nse38 -- RSPARAM -- execute
under DIR_TRANS ..\\DEVsystem\sapmnt\trans if not you give manually domain
controller's folder path
1) Logon with DDIC à /nSE38 à RSPARAM à Execute à you should see
else use /nRZ10 <file://devsystem/sapmnt/trans%20else
%20use%20/nRZ10> àpick Instance profile
à O extended maintenance - change à paste the
à save it and restart the instance again à Test pinging to each other
system, from PR1- cmd à ping
à from DEVsystem à cmd à ping
2) Go to non-domain controller system and logon as DDIC à /nSTMS à It
will ask show you Domain controller settings including DEVsystem etc.
3) try to restart both instances and use /nstms in both of them...should
work and simoutaneously check your domain controller's
* C:\usr/\sap\trans\buffer -- you can see a entry
* C:\usr/\sap\trans\cofile -- you can see a K entry
* C:\usr/\sap\trans\datafile -- you can see a R entry
pls let me know if above mentioned procedure working or not? __.____._
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