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Profile Parameters of SAP R/3 Memory Management

Posted by Admin at
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An overview of the memory management parameters will be shown in the following sections.

A description of the parameter always follows the unit in which it is specified, the default value and a proposed value. The default value usually is based on a minimal value, therefore for very small R/3 installations (see Application Servers with Up to 15 Users), the proposed value is based on a midsize to large installation (see Application Servers with Up to 50 Users and Application Servers with Over 50 Users).

The specified default values and proposed values are based on UNIX systems; under Windows NT, the parameter setting is explained in the unit Parameter Overview for Windows NT.

Controlling Memory Management

abap/heaplimit: Work Process Startup

Memory Management Resources

ztta/roll_extension: Extended Memory Limit

abap/heap_area_dia: Heap Memory Limit for Dialog Work Processes

abap/heap_area_nondia: Heap Memory Limit for Non-Dialog Work Processes

abap/heap_area_total: Heap Memory Limit

Memory Management Limitations

em/initial_size_MB: Extended Memory Pool Size

rdisp/ROLL_SHM: Roll Buffer Size

rdisp/ROLL_MAXFS: Maximum Roll File Size

rdisp/PG_SHM: Paging Buffer Size

rdisp/PG_MAXFS: Maximum Size of the R/3 Paging File

ztta/roll_area: Roll Area

ztta/roll_first: Initial Allocation Size from the Roll Area

em/blocksize_KB: Segment Size for the Extended Memory

Memory Management Statistics

em/stat_log_size_MB: Statistics - User Context Size

em/stat_log_timeout: Statistics - User Context Size

Look at the unit that corresponds to your platform on configuring the memory management system:

Configuration for UNIX / Windows NT

Configuration for AIX

AS/400 Configuration

Memory Management under Windows NT

Keyword: BASIS
Title : Profile Parameters of SAP R/3 Memory Management


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