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Setting Dimensions for Sufficient Extended Memory

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You must ensure that Extended Memory is sufficiently large due to its intensive use. The prerequisite for this is a correspondingly large virtual memory area from Windows NT. As a basis, you need approximately 6 MB Extended Memory for each active user. Ensure that there is sufficient memory area by comparing the maximum Extended Memory used and memory created (Transaction ST02). Even during heavy system load, the value [ max use ] should not reach the value [ in memory ]. However, if this does occur, you must increase the profile parameter em/initial_size_MB accordingly.

Setting Dimensions for Extended Memory: Parameter Values under Windows NT

Profile Parameter

Parameter Value


» 6 MB per active user (application-dependent)

Extended memory should always be sufficient.

(® Check using Transaction ST02.)

There should always be sufficient Extended memory at all times. Check the configuration using Transaction ST02.

Transaction RZ03 displays an overview of all the application servers for a distributed system.

Keyword: BASIS
Title : Setting Dimensions for Sufficient Extended Memory


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