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RE:[sap-log-wm] Addition to stock

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Posted by huispe1
on 05/28/2009 08:30:00 AM

Hi Sam
Your question has 2 possible outcomes. I will write something about what I think you mean. You want to know if it is possible to allow addition to stock for a few defined items in a specific warehouse type, which type contains lots of other materials.
Answer: yes you can.
Customise storagetyp xyz to setting "Addn to stock" = M
After that in the materialmaster of the needed material:
With the field "Allow addn to stock" marked, stock in the exsisting bin is allowed to be added
With the field "Allow addn to stock" not marked a new bin is taken for the incoming stock.
This means that for all items you don't want addition to stock this marker should not be set, for those few you want the marker has to be set.
Hope this helps. In our warehouse it works fine

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