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Step by step process on how to upgrade the kernel

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Step by step process on how to upgrade the kernel

"Updating the Kernel: Make sure you have at least 200MB of free disk space on the SAP instance before doing a Kernel update. The following steps illustrate how to update the Kernel on a central instance:

1. Download the latest Kernel patch into a temporary directory in your system or network share.

2. Unpack the patch using SAPCAR.exe. First, change to the directory you downloaded the patch into and then run SAPCAR –xvf .

3. Stop the SAP central instance and the SAP services.

4. Back up all existing files in the Kernel directory (usr/sap/sid/sys/exe/run). This way, you can easily recover the old Kernel in case of problems with the new one.

5. Copy the new Kernel files into the run directory.

Keyword: BASIS
Title : Step by step process on how to upgrade the kernel


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