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SAP Testing a License

Posted by Admin at
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If you cannot log onto the R/3 System, SAPLICENSE provides the option -test pf= (AS/400: '-test pf=' ) for troubleshooting.

When you call the program with this option, SAPLICENSE determines the customer key of the message server, simulates an R/3 System logon and carries out the required license check. You can follow the individual steps on the screen.

  1. Log on to the host on which the central SAP instance is running at operating system level as user
  2. adm (UNIX and NT) or OFR (AS/400).
  3. UNIX and AS/400: Start the R/3 System and the database with startsap.
  4. NT: Start the R/3 System and the database with the SAP Service Manager.

  5. Start SAPLICENSE as follows:

UNIX and NT: saplicense -test pf=
AS/400: saplicense '-test pf='

It is mandatory that you specify the profile file. Enter the profile file (with complete path) of the R/3 System to be checked.

You would enter the following for an R/3 System with the name PRD, where the instance number is 00:

UNIX and NT: saplicense -test pf=/usr/sap/PRD/SYS/profile/PRD_DVEBMGS00
AS/400: saplicense '-test pf=/usr/sap/PRD/SYS/profile/PRD_DVEBMGS00'

The following message shows that the test was terminated successfully:

test result: license test ok

The subsequent message tells which license was used for the check:

LICENSE system: PRD customer key: D1889390344

expiration_date: 99991231

installation no: 0005500021 key: 9KJDYITLVLPRZS9WXVS8SNTN

productid: R3_ORA

If you get an error message when the license is checked, you can use the program output to find out where the error occurred (creation of the message server link, connection to the database, etc.). Depending on the message, now check whether the message server is running, whether the database has been started, etc.

To carry out more detailed error analysis, use additional option TRACE=2. The command syntax is as follows:

saplicense -test pf= TRACE=2

SAPLICENSE then creates a file dev_slic in the current directory. This file contains more detailed error messages.

Keyword: BASIS
Title : SAP Testing a License


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