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SAP Deleting an SAP License

Posted by Admin at
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You have to delete a license, for example, if the R/3 System was set up from a copy of an existing R/3 System.


  1. Log on to the host on which the central SAP instance is running at operating system level as user
  2. adm (UNIX and NT) or OFR (AS/400).
  3. Display the licenses that are installed.

To do this, enter saplicense -show (AS/400: saplicense '-show' ).

SAPLICENSE lists all the licenses and their statuses.

LICENSE system: TST customer key: TEMPLICENSE
expiration_date: 19960202
installation no:... key:...
product ID: R3_ORA
*** license useable ***

LICENSE system: TST customer key: D1889390344
expiration_date: 99991231
installation no:... key:...
product ID: R3_ORA
*** license useable ***

LICENSE system: PRD customer key: TEMPLICENSE
expiration_date: 19960131
installation no:... key:...
product ID: R3_ORA
*** license useable ***

LICENSE system: PRD customer key: D9566626666
expiration_date: 99991231
installation no:... key:...
product ID: R3_ORA
*** license useable ***

The above example shows you that 4 licenses are installed (2 licenses have been applied for and 2 are temporary licenses). You can see from the R/3 System names that 2 licenses are installed for system TST, and 2 licenses for system PRD. This could be the case if the R/3 System TST was copied to the name PRD and then a license, which was applied for, was installed for the copied system PRD. The old licenses for system TST, however, still exist.

These old licenses can no longer be used in the new system and can be deleted.

  1. Delete the licenses with
  2. saplicense -delete (AS/400: saplicense '-delete')as follows:

First enter the SAP System IDs. SAPLICENSE then asks for the customer key (11-position hardware key).

Enter the customer key or TEMPLICENSE .

saplicense then asks for the product ID, which is a name starting with "R3_" indicating the database type (for example, R3_ORA).

Enter the product ID appropriate for your R/3 System.

The licenses are deleted.

This is confirmed by the following message:

saplicense: license deleted


The status of a license is not checked when a license is deleted. In particular, there is no check to establish whether you are deleting a license that was in use. If a valid license that was in use is deleted, it is no longer possible to log on to R/3, but users who are already logged on can continue working.

If you accidentally deleted a valid license that was in use, you can install this license again at any time with saplicense -install (AS/400: saplicense '-install' ) if you still have the fax containing the license key.

  • The existence of old, unused licenses has no effect on R/3 System operation. Nevertheless, it is advisable to delete licenses that are no longer used (performance optimization during the license check).
  • Deleting temporary licenses
  • (CUSTOMER KEY = TEMPLICENSE) does not mean that you can install further temporary licenses (see also the section "Installing a Temporary SAP License ").

    Keyword: BASIS
    Title : SAP Deleting an SAP License


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