How is communication done in SAP?
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The capability of a system to communicate seamlessly, both internally and externally represents significant performance benefit. In SAP, support is provided for both internal and external communication via three systems namely: Message Server, Gateway Server and Internet Communication Manager.
The Message Server: This system enables communication between two or more dispatchers, so as to allow parallel operation of the application servers.
The Gateway Server: This system facilitates communication between SAP systems, for example, between SAP R/2 and SAP R/3. It also allows the communication of SAP system(s) with non SAP systems. The benefit that this offers is seamless integration between systems.
The Internet Communication Manager: This system facilitates communication between SAP system(s) and the internet. Requests received from the internet are forwarded to SAP system for processing. Another possibility is to send SAP request to the internet, get the feedback and onward transfer to the SAP system.
Source Kehinde Eseyin
Keyword: BASIS
Title : How is communication done in SAP?