abap/heap_area_total: Heap Memory Limit
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This sets the upper limit for the heap memory that all work processes of an R/3 application server can allocate. You can use this upper limit to restrict the swap space usage of an R/3 application server to a specific amount. You can find more details on this topic under Functions of the R/3 Memory Management System.
This value ensures that even at maximum swap space usage of the R/3 System and during normal operation, at least 100 MB swap space (or approximately 10-15%) remains free.
- Swap space size in the system. In addition to the system and R/3 requirements, another swap space reserve of at least 100 MB should be available. You can find more details on this topic under Swap Space Requirements and Functions of the R/3 Memory Management System.
- R/3 Extended Memory pool size (parameter em/initial_size_MB). The swap space size that an R/3 server can fill orients itself primarily according to the R/3 Extended Memory pool and the value of this parameter.
Unit: Bytes
Default value: 800000000 (800 MB)
Recommended value: A general value cannot be specified here. The deciding factor for the setting is the available swap space. You must set the parameter to the following value:
- physical memory + swap space - allocated virtual memory
You can monitor physical memory and swap space using Transaction ST06 (see Checking Unused Working Memory using Transaction ST06) Allocated virtual memory consists of allocated memory from:
- All R/3 instances
- Database buffers and database processes
- Operating system, special file system cache
You can view this using Transaction ST02 ® Detail Analysis Menu ® Storage.
You can find the values from the configuration examples (Contents button): Setting Up the Memory Management System
Changes: Customers can make changes.
Keyword: BASIS
Title : abap/heap_area_total: Heap Memory Limit