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The SAPLICENSE program is used to install, check and maintain SAP licenses in your R/3 System. It resides in the directory /usr/sap//SYS/exe/run . (In the case of AS/400, the program resides in the kernel library.)

Windows NT:

Replace the slash (/) with a backslash (\) in all path names.

If you start saplicense without any options at operating system level, all the options are displayed.


  • As of Release 4.5A the database interface library is linked dynamically. To allow SAPLICENSE to locate this library, the following variables must be set in the environment of the user calling SAPLICENSE:
    • dbms_type
    • = (for example, ora, inf, ada, mss, db2, db4, db6)
    • = (for example, /usr/sap/SID/SYS/exe/run)
  • User for SAPLICENSE:


You must be logged on as user adm . This ensures that all the required environment variables are set correctly.


  • You must be logged on as user
  • OFR.
  • The executables library
  • R3OPT must be included in your library list.


AS/400 only:

For AS/400 the option string must be enclosed in single quotation marks, for example '-help', '-get', '-temp'.

saplicense provides the following options:


Delete an installed license.


Output the customer key (hardware key).

-help [option]

Display help information for the specified option (that is, get , install , temp , show or test ).

-install [ifile=]

Install a license key. Optional parameter ifile= (or IFILE= ) causes the license data to be read from the installation file.


Get the installation number.


Display all installed licenses.


Install a temporary license.


Test whether a valid SAP license exists. (R/3 must have been started.)


Display the version of SAPLICENSE .

Keyword: BASIS
Title : SAP The SAPLICENSE Program


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