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RE:[sap-hr] cancelling attendance in training and event management

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Posted by suglow03
on Jun 12 at 8:25 PM
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TEM does not provide this functionality. There are several workarounds:
(1) If you use the new LSO Curriculum object type, you could create a separate event for each day and and then cancel the one person out of the last day. The down-side and it is significant--you would have to book each participant to all three days.
(2) Another alternative is to set up Qualifications with a numerical range entitled "percentage complete" and then impart the qual with 100% and those who missed the last date, enter a value of 66%.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: sreejit
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 10:45 AM
Subject: cancelling attendance in training and event management

> Hi Gurus,
> If a person is booked for a three day training program and he attends it for only the first two days then is it possible to cancel his attendance for the last day?
> Regards,
> Sreejit

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