[sap-acct] Internal order budget exceeded
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| Posted by zaidazam on Aug 14 at 11:41 AM |
I need help with this scenario. Here is the scenario. When i create a purchase requisition which has an internal order assigned in it, it was counting as a commitment, we didnt want this to appear as a commitment. We applied notes 955106,1227760 and1307755 to fix the issue.
My problem is fixed for new purchase requisitions but for existing ones the commitment is being double counted and i get an error internal order budget exceeded when i am trying to create a PO
eg i had a commitment of $ 100 before i applied the notes. My available budget was $90( after the purchase req posted). When i create a PO, it should just move the $100 commitment from purchase requisition to Purchase order but system is taking commitment of $100 ( purchase requisition + $100 purchase order). Giving me the error message budget exceeded by $110 which is incorrect.
Note 1227760 talks about this exact issue which is already applied in our system but that doesnt help
Please advice how i can fix this, business is unable to create purchase orders
__.____._ My problem is fixed for new purchase requisitions but for existing ones the commitment is being double counted and i get an error internal order budget exceeded when i am trying to create a PO
eg i had a commitment of $ 100 before i applied the notes. My available budget was $90( after the purchase req posted). When i create a PO, it should just move the $100 commitment from purchase requisition to Purchase order but system is taking commitment of $100 ( purchase requisition + $100 purchase order). Giving me the error message budget exceeded by $110 which is incorrect.
Note 1227760 talks about this exact issue which is already applied in our system but that doesnt help
Please advice how i can fix this, business is unable to create purchase orders
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