RE:[sap-hr] one person holding multiple positions
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| Posted by Leah Holton (IT Functional Manager) on Aug 14 at 12:00 PM |
Meant to say S to O below, not P to O
We have the scenario in our company where one person holds more than one position. I can go into PO13 and add the person to the "other" position (both being 50%, to cumulatively add up to 100%), but when we view this person in PA30, the org assignment for one of the positions is delimited. I suspect that this has the do with P and O having a time constraint of 2 (only one at a time). Can some a) please confirm this and b) let me know what is the best practice to handle these (very rare) situations?
__.____._ Meant to say S to O below, not P to O
We have the scenario in our company where one person holds more than one position. I can go into PO13 and add the person to the "other" position (both being 50%, to cumulatively add up to 100%), but when we view this person in PA30, the org assignment for one of the positions is delimited. I suspect that this has the do with P and O having a time constraint of 2 (only one at a time). Can some a) please confirm this and b) let me know what is the best practice to handle these (very rare) situations?
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