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RE:[sap-acct] Two Reconciliation Accounts (Customers) For One Company Code

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Reply from Dinky on Mar 20 at 2:06 AM
If you create one customer as different customer in SAP, payment received has to be appropriately put sales org wise to different customer code. Also while giving customer ledger you will have to merge multiple codes. Clearing of documents may get cumbersome.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Sunny
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2017 10:48 PM
Subject: Two Reconciliation Accounts (Customers) For One Company Code

Hello Gurus,

I have a very basic questions. I have two Sales Orgs with one Company Code and with one Reconciliation Account for Customer. I would like to see Receivable Balance by Sales Org and I am thinking I should assign different reconciliation accounts to different sales org's customers.

For Example
Sales Org ABC
Customer Recon Account 100
All customers from ABC would have 100 as recon account

Sales Org CBA
Customer Recon Account 200
All customers from CBA would have 200 as recon account
I can add balances of both of them to come up Balance Sheet Receivable for the Company Code.

Can I maintain Two Reconciliation Accounts for Customers? I know I can achieve this by assigning the second reconciliation account to a different customers but I would like to know the drawbacks of doing this if there are any. Any help would be appreciated.


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