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RE:[sap-acct] Cost Allocation - Is It Possible to Allocate Cost to Receiver Cost Centers With Summary of Defined Primary Cost Element?

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Reply from YuKhinKhin on Mar 20 at 3:01 AM
Thanks for your reply.
I used T code KB15N for fixed amount allocation only. Let me know if it is possible to allocate with other allocation keys (fixed %, statistical key figure, etc.)

---------------Original Message---------------
From: YuKhinKhin
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 4:10 AM
Subject: Cost Allocation - Is It Possible to Allocate Cost to Receiver Cost Centers With Summary of Defined Primary Cost Element?

By using assessment cycle, costs are allocated to receiver cost center with summary of secondary cost element . Only 1 line posting in receiver cost center
By using distribution cycle, allocated cost are posted in receiver cost center for each primary cost elements. (Many lines).

Is it possible to allocate cost to receiver cost centers with summary of defined primary cost element ( Objective - To post only 1 line in receiver cost center with 1 dedicated primary cost element)
For example
There are many posting in cost center A with different primary cost elements.
How can we allocate 30% of total amount in cost center to WBS 1 and 70% to cost center B with only one pre-determine primary cost element?

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