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Re: [sap-log-mm] HOw To Remove The Goods From The Stock In Transit List (MB5T)?

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Reply from vishvasvs on Mar 20 at 6:42 AM
Hello Rakeish,

If you want inventory and G/L account to be balanced, Receive stock in
receiving plant then do physical inventory count and post the difference.
While posting the difference you can mention the name of document "material
loss doc" In this way stock is removed from MB5T report.

We also have other option like receiving whole quantity in receiving plant
and scrapping the lost material with reason code or reissuing the stock
using MBST tcode and reinitialize the process.

But Check with your client once again why the don't want to go with above


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Rakeish
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2017 8:39 AM
Subject: HOw To Remove The Goods From The Stock In Transit List (MB5T)?

We have Intra Company, Stock tranfer order, with delivery, Depot to Depot scenario where 100 goods were issued from supplying plant. 10 goods were lost during transportation Receiving Plants have received 90 items and remaining 10 are lost. So I have done goods receipt of 90 items. Now 10 items are displayed in Stock in Transit report MB5T. Now what is process further so that the Inventory & G/L Accounts are balance & the stock is removed from the MB5T report? However, the client doesn't want to correct the number of goods at the delivery depot by reversing the goods issue & reissuing the delivery with correct quantity neither by receiving the complete 100 goods at the receiving depot & then showing the missing 10 goods as scrap.

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