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RE:[sap-dev] Too Many Entries In The Database

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Reply from James on Sep 2 at 5:40 AM
Does it work for all databases?

---------------Original Message---------------
From: valmes
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2016 7:46 AM
Subject: Too Many Entries In The Database


My English is really poor, I think, so be lenient.

I have a little problem with my database. I already have a database that has one table with too match entries in the day, like 10000 entries. The entries are done by range. Like when a user gets article, every article has one identifier. The identifier are successive, so to save all the article, the user must just select the range (from 1920 to 2550) and all the article are save. In futur use we can select like article 2015 or 2016 to 2020.
The articles are not save by range like one row but each article is one row in the database. It end with too many entries in one day.

My question is, there is another way to do so? A best practice to manage so many entries? I would like to simply save a one rows like a range of articles but the problem is how can use the article afta because I will not just get all the range but some part of the range only, I can destroy an article or give it to another user so and so one.

I hope I explained my situation correctly. If not, I will add more information. My English is really poor I think so ....

Thks a lot.

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