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RE:[sap-acct] How long does Money Transfer take?

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Reply from dfeyres on Oct 9 at 9:14 AM
SAP records the account change immediately in all four cases that you give. But remember that money is not actually residing in SAP; it resides at a bank. You have to notify the bank of the transaction. How often do you send data to the bank? You could, in theory, set up an interface that notifies the bank every time there is a movement from one account. But that is expensive as banks usually charge you for each file received. More likely, you are going to send a file to the bank once or twice each business day. It is up the bank to make the account change after they receive your file; you have no control over how quickly they do it. You have to ask the bank.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Eston
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2015 3:01 AM
Subject: How long does Money Transfer take?

For ECC 6.0, Would anyone be so kind to please explain how long does money transfer from one to another account take if (4 different situations):

1. I finalize the money transfer with Save button in FB60 command window after coming here from F-53 command

2. I finalize the money transfer with Save button in FB70 command window after coming here from F-28 command

3. I finalize the money transfer with Save button in FB50

4. I finalize the money transfer with Save button in FB75 command window after coming here from F65 command

I know it depends on payment method chosen in FBZP and also know that I can track it in FBL1N, FBL3N and FBL5N commands but this doesn't provide information I am looking for.

How could I calculate WHEN money departs from account and WHEN money arrives to recipient account? As accurate as possible. Don't know how long does that take.

Could anyone please answer me on my question? based on your answer, I would probably get information (within calculation I'm asking for) whether or not money can arrive into recipient's account on weekend or holiday as well. Impossible to ask this representative of financial institution, there are tens of millions of institutions worldwide. It would take me thousands of years to collect this info. On the other hand it is most likely irrelevant whether the branch has operating hours on the weekend - reason is obvious: no employee has anything to do with those money transmits since those are automated. However being automated still doesn't anyhow help me understanding the question I am having: how do I know in advance:

- when (see all four points in first post) money departs account
- when (see four points) money arrives to recipient's account

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