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RE:[sap-acct] Company Code Details

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Reply from LCC352 on Sep 4 at 10:18 AM
Config creation/change is something that is not always recorded in tables. Not sure why.

Your best bet is to check to see who created the transport in the development system, not production. The person who did the config is most likely the person who created the transport because the process of creating the company will ask the creator for a transport number. Start there and see where that leads you.

From a SOX perspective, there should be some sort of written requirement for the company code to begin with. There should also be some kind of change control that would have that info along with who is requesting the change to go to production, when, etc.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: pankaj83
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2015 3:37 PM
Subject: Company Code Details

Hi All

Is there any Table/Tcode which can be tell me which user created company code, what was the date of creation of company code & under which transport the company code was created?
T001 doesn't serves my purpose neither its change log since table logging is currently inactive in our system.



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