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RE:[sap-security] Cleaning Up the Authorization Objects in Role

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Reply from Daine D'Souza on Jun 28 at 10:01 AM

To my understanding; the current roles in the org have both create and change, which your firm deems to be critical or create an issue on SOD. These can be changed or revoked and recreated into new roles such as change or create, based on the authorization ACTVT within the roles.

Remember, this is something that you do not want to risk doing directly in production, since you are going to be changing an already existing system. It is best that you try it in DEV or TRN and then move changes. Also, you have to make sure when you give access to make changes (ACTVT=02), that the same user does not have the ACTVT 01 for the same through another role/tcode. This can create a major impact in FI tcodes, and I am sure this can create incorrect data entries into masters as well. This is a very complex setup and not something can be done overnight depending on the complexity of the roles and users being setup at your firm.
The only way to work it out is, to create a new role in DEV, test it with a user who doesnt have any roles other than basic roles (navigation etc etc), and work it out; assuming you would not want user down time.

Have a good time.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Trishila
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 3:59 AM
Subject: Cleaning Up the Authorization Objects in Role

Hi Friends,

We are planning to clean the roles which are having conflicting authorization objects in it, eg activity 01 and 02, which gives create and edit access, we don't want many roles to have it, but unfortunately many roles contain most of the objects and we want to clean it up.

But my concern is if I remove that objects will it create a huge problem? and it is a month end for us.

Most of them are basic roles, but have other critical objects.

Can someone please assist??

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