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RE:[sap-acct] Automatic ACH run through Batch Job

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Reply from Sunny on May 8 at 10:37 AM
Thanks Don, It is working but now I am able to either create proposal through batch job or I can do payment run through the job.
Is there a way I could do a payment proposal and payment run through same job or through two jobs?

Thank You

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Sunny
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 4:35 PM
Subject: Automatic ACH run through Batch Job

Hello Gurus,
I have configured ACH Incoming and Outgoing payments for F110 successfully. Is there a way we can run ACH, everyday through a scheduled batch job?

The job would do a payment run and save the file into given folder from where we will upload the file to our bank.

The basic idea is to decrease the human intervention in the ACH process.

Thank You

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