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RE:[sap-dev] abap Query On Tables KONV, EKKO and EKPO

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Reply from LCC352 on Jul 15 at 11:38 AM
Hi, Venkata - I got a chance to try it myself and it won't accept the "OR" in the list. It needs to be one value or one field.

Since you've put in KONV-STUNR and KONV-ZAEHK as the answers to the join, it will only give you the records matching that as it evaluates the values from KONV, nothing else. If I understand you correctly, you've created a parameter for STUNR, but you should have created a select option instead. Parameters are single values, whereas select options allow ranges and such. Perhaps if you create a select option in the query (in the Extras area, there is a tab called "Selections". You can create a selection criteria for STUNR. You need to answer the FOR question in the selections screen with KONV-STUNR. Then, if you put in a range of 15 to 31 in that select, each time it finds a record (15, 16, etc.) it should pick the corresponding record from your join.

Let me know if that works

- Lou

---------------Original Message---------------
From: abaper
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 12:50 PM
Subject: abap Query On Tables KONV, EKKO and EKPO

Hi All,

I have developed abap query on tables KONV, EKKO and EKPO as in the below link.

Now in select statement on KONV in where condition for field STUNR I want to fetch the values between 15 to 31. How to achieve this one?

Thanks in advance.

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