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RE:[sap-acct] Depreciation without Unplanned Depreciation

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Reply from SAP_EZ on Sep 3 at 4:02 PM
Hello Henrileconte,
I would answer question from Vidhya and wait for his reply before proceeding.

Keep in mind that posting Unplanned Depreciation cannot impact the amount of Planned Depreciation posted in the remainder of the SAME fiscal year. This is why you continue to see the $100 per month. Your solution will be offered by the experts. In my own similar scenario, I calculated the correcting Unplanned entry by subtracting the remaining months of anticipated Planned Depreciation. This achieved accuracy by year-end without changing my depreciation settings otherwise.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: henrileconte
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 10:52 AM
Subject: Depreciation without Unplanned Depreciation

Hello I hope you can help. We are in ECC.6.0 (I have not much experience in Fixed Assets)

I have an asset with Acq Value $12,000 useful life 10 years straight line depr.
Annual Depr $1,200.00
Month Depr $100.00

I want to post previous depreciation of $6,000.00 and reduce life to 5 years, this way
NBV $6,000.00
New Annual Depr $600.00
Month Depr $50.00

After I post unplanned Depr via ABMA I can see the NBV reduced and the total depreciation is correct. However the first 3 periods remaining for FY 2012 are still posting the depreciation at $100.00 per month. I was expecting the program to consider the deduction of $6,000.00 and therefore have the 3 periods with a planned depreciation value of $50.00 instead of $100.00

How can I achieve this? I already tried changing the Multilevel Method (via AFAMS) and use Base Value 10 (Acquisition value reduced by unplanned depreciation) instead of 24 (Net book value) but I have had no success. I would appreciate your guidance. Thanks in advanced

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