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Re: [sap-acct] Payment Amount is Larger Than Cash On Hand

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Reply from joy83 on Jun 1 at 3:49 AM
Dear friend,
Go through this document and hope it will help you out,

The error message F5A055 is to make sure the balance for cash jounal is
always positive.

The system behaviour is explained in detail in note 430397.

So as explained in the note, the system checks the new daily closing
balance resulting from the reversal transaction for all days following the
posting date up to the current system date.

It is not therefore sufficient to have a sufficiently large closing balance
at the posting date, but the balance must be sufficient for this payment or
reversal of the receipt on all following days.

Therefore, you must check the closing balance on all days following the
posting date up to the current system date and take existing cash receipts
into account if required.

In the cases like, when a document is saved, the actual document is
generated and stored in the cash journal tables TCJ_DOCUMENTS and
TCJ_POSITIONS. So the BALANCE of the cash journal is updated.

Therefore even a document which is not posted but saved is also considered
in the balance of cash journal.

I will try to explain you what does the note refer to with an example.

Imagine you have the following situation:

Initial Cash Journal Amount 01.01.2009 100,00 USD

Customer payment 02.01.2009 +200,00 USD

Balance at 02.01.2009 300,00 USD ok

Vendor payment 03.01.2009 -150,00 USD

Balance at 03.01.2009 150,00 USD ok

Incoming payment 04.01.2009 +500,00 USD

Balance at 04.01.2009 650,00 USD ok

This is ok, but if for example, the user needs to reverse the customer
payment made on 02.01.2009. As you can see, the balance at 02.01.2009 is
300,00 USD so from the user point of view, the document

can be reversed without any problem. However, system will give you the
error message F5A212. Why? Because if you reverse the document on
02.01.2009 the final balance at 03.01.2009 will return -50,00 USD and this
is not correct. This is explained:

"Check the closing balance on all days following the posting date up to the
current system date and take existing check receipts into account if

How can you avoid this error?

"Then change the payment amount, or first post a receipt.The receipt must
be entered at the latest at the posting date at which otherwise a negative
balance would be created."

Therefore in the above example, if you need to reverse the document, you
can only do this on 04.01.2009 or change the amount of the reversal
transaction to 150 instead of 200.

Hope this example helps you to understand the system behaviour.

After implementing the note 1051847, if the system generates error message,
it now specifies the date on which the negative balance would arise which
would help you to take necessary actions based on that.

Please check also the following notes:

882626 FBCJ: Amount check in accordance with Money

1157000 FBCJ: Reversal with termination - negative lines

546365 FAQ: Cash journal

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Shihab MS
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 3:13 AM
Subject: Payment Amount is Larger Than Cash On Hand

Hi Friend

Please refer the note

Note 430397 - FBCJ: Message F5A 055 or 212 although closing balance large


You use the FI cash journal and post a cash payment or delete / reverse a cash receipt.However, message F5A055 "Payment amount is larger than cash on hand. Change amount" or message F5A212 "No reversal/deletion possible - a negative balance would result" prevent you from posting the payment or the reversal of the cash receipt even though the closing balance at the selected posting day is larger than the payment amount / reversal amount.

Other terms

Balance, F5A055, F5A212, F5A (055), F5A (212), (F5A) 055, (F5A) 212, FCJ_CHECK_NEG_BALANCE

Reason and Prerequisites

For payments or for reversals of receipts in the past, the system checks the new daily closing balance resulting from this transaction for all days following the posting date up to the current system date.
It is not therefore sufficient to have a sufficiently large closing balance at the posting date, but the balance must be sufficient for this payment or reversal of the receipt on all following days.

In Release 4.6C, the following applies in addition:
Receipts from checks are contained in the closing balance.The amount of the check receipts cannot be used, however, as cash payment or as reversal of a cash receipt.Thus, if the closing balance is sufficient, a cash payment or a reversal of a cash receipt is only possible if the closing balance minus check receipts is sufficient as well.


Check the closing balance on all days following the posting date up to the current system date and take existing check receipts into account if required.

Then change the payment amount, or first post a receipt.The receipt must be entered at the latest at the posting date at which otherwise a negative balance would be created.

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