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RE:[sap-acct] How to remove carriage returns and line feed from DME content

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Posted by LinhDT (SAP FI Consultant)
on Apr 22 at 7:07 AM
Hi Waza,

By the way, is there any way not to have a delimiter between segments?



---------------Original Message---------------
From: LinhDT
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 6:00 AM
Subject: How to remove carriage returns and line feed from DME content

Dear all,

As running F110, we got DME content as below:

VOL1000002 ....932610
1 <CR/LF>
HDR1A932610S 193261000000200010001 11006 010020000000 <CR/LF>
HDR2F0200000100 00
UHL1 00001999999 000000001 DAILY 000
309348033861030 40220951600028 00001140200Gloucestershire CC1
000 F110000001 K MAL WITTS TRAVEL <CR/LF>
402209516000280 40220951600028 00001140200SAPBACS0272626328 C
EOF1A932610S 193261000000200010001 11006 010020000000
EOF2F0200000100 00

However, we would like to remove <CR/LF> as well as <END> from the file so that it could be accepted by the bank.
We tried at DMEE - Segment group - File data tab, remove selection for Carriage returns &amp; Line feeds so far; and even choose the different setting for Carriage returns &amp; Line feeds for each Segment but it could not help. The file occurred having no <CR/LF> but having <END> still. In addition, all line items could not be displayed as separate line but continuous - which will be the wrong format.

Any of your replies would be much obliged.

Thank you very much.

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