RE:[sap-hr] config steps to reduce half day pay (unpaid leave)
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| Posted by JG-SAPHR (Senior SAP HR Consultant) on Feb 13 at 7:32 PM | |
Hi Rob
To avail of 1/2 day absence, pay at the same rate as the full day absence for the 1/2 day, you can do:
a)record the absence as 1/2 day's no.of hours in the absence hrs field. This is not usually done.
Or enter from x to y hrs, ensuring it is 1/2 day as per the DWS of the day; if the absence overlaps the work-break as per the DWS, then you need to extend the ending hrs by that no.of hrs. Normally this is the way leave is entered. The employee or admin enters the start and end hrs of absence. The system will apply the calc rules and debit the abs quota type/s as per config. Then the payment for the leave is as per V_T554C.
The normal basic pay is reduced by the leave pay by one of the following ways:
(i)The basic pay is set with pr cl 10 val. 1 means the partial period payment factor (PPPF) w/t /801 will reduce the payment, similarly 2 for using /802.
The w/t?s /801 - /816 are initially set to 100,000.00 by the GEN/16 function. Then the rule XPPF and its sub-rules reduce these w/t?s based on the employee?s inactive period, paid/unpaid leave, etc. Each w/t may be configured in these rules based on the business reqmts. The reqmts are grouped into a max no. of 16. For each group you can assign the factor 1 to 16 represented by w/t /801 to /816. You may need to ensure the pr cl 10 has the value range for your reqmt. The rule XVAL reduces each w/t by the factor /801 to /816 based on its pr cl 10 value.
For example if the empl is absent for 1d out of 22 in a mthly payroll, then the factor may be reduced by 1/22. So the payment is reduced by this factor.
(ii)Without using PPPF, use a PCR to deduct the basic pay by the amts calculated for the absence period. Configure unpaid abs also to be valued in V_T554C, for the purpose of reduction. Also the payment has to be based on how long the empl was active in the pay period. If the empl was not active for (i.e., started or ended service in the middle of) the whole pay period, you need to cover this accordingly in the PCR.
Hope this clarifies and helps.
Regards, JG
---------------Original Message---------------
From: sapemails2see
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 3:30 PM
Subject: config steps to reduce half day pay (unpaid leave)
> I have created a new absence type and recorded an absence for an employee<br/>using that absence type (4 hours - half day)<br/>I would like to let payroll know that for this employee, deduct half day<br/>salary as the employee was absent for half day (unpaid leave). So that when<br/>i run the payroll, the employees gets the salary less by half day salary.<br/>Please let me know the config steps to do so.<br/>Rob
__.____._ To avail of 1/2 day absence, pay at the same rate as the full day absence for the 1/2 day, you can do:
a)record the absence as 1/2 day's no.of hours in the absence hrs field. This is not usually done.
Or enter from x to y hrs, ensuring it is 1/2 day as per the DWS of the day; if the absence overlaps the work-break as per the DWS, then you need to extend the ending hrs by that no.of hrs. Normally this is the way leave is entered. The employee or admin enters the start and end hrs of absence. The system will apply the calc rules and debit the abs quota type/s as per config. Then the payment for the leave is as per V_T554C.
The normal basic pay is reduced by the leave pay by one of the following ways:
(i)The basic pay is set with pr cl 10 val. 1 means the partial period payment factor (PPPF) w/t /801 will reduce the payment, similarly 2 for using /802.
The w/t?s /801 - /816 are initially set to 100,000.00 by the GEN/16 function. Then the rule XPPF and its sub-rules reduce these w/t?s based on the employee?s inactive period, paid/unpaid leave, etc. Each w/t may be configured in these rules based on the business reqmts. The reqmts are grouped into a max no. of 16. For each group you can assign the factor 1 to 16 represented by w/t /801 to /816. You may need to ensure the pr cl 10 has the value range for your reqmt. The rule XVAL reduces each w/t by the factor /801 to /816 based on its pr cl 10 value.
For example if the empl is absent for 1d out of 22 in a mthly payroll, then the factor may be reduced by 1/22. So the payment is reduced by this factor.
(ii)Without using PPPF, use a PCR to deduct the basic pay by the amts calculated for the absence period. Configure unpaid abs also to be valued in V_T554C, for the purpose of reduction. Also the payment has to be based on how long the empl was active in the pay period. If the empl was not active for (i.e., started or ended service in the middle of) the whole pay period, you need to cover this accordingly in the PCR.
Hope this clarifies and helps.
Regards, JG
---------------Original Message---------------
From: sapemails2see
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 3:30 PM
Subject: config steps to reduce half day pay (unpaid leave)
> I have created a new absence type and recorded an absence for an employee<br/>using that absence type (4 hours - half day)<br/>I would like to let payroll know that for this employee, deduct half day<br/>salary as the employee was absent for half day (unpaid leave). So that when<br/>i run the payroll, the employees gets the salary less by half day salary.<br/>Please let me know the config steps to do so.<br/>Rob
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