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RE:[sap-log-sd] Split Analysis Billing Pocess

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Posted by SapGooey (Project Manager)
on Aug 14 at 12:14 PM
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Invoice Split Analysis
Normally, the system tries to bill several sales documents with one billing document but it can also create several billing documents, for example, when sales documents have different payers or terms of payment.
Whether and how sales documents are combined or split depends on copying control. Your system administrator is responsible for these settings in Customizing.
You can use split analysis to review why the system has split a billing document. It compares two billing documents and lists the fields which have differing contents.
You can call up the Split analysis function with the following transactions:
Billing document > Change or Display.
Billing document > Billing due list
Enter the number of the first billing document that you wish to compare.
Choose Environment > Split analysis.
Enter the number of the second billing document which you wish to compare to the first in the dialog box.
The system displays the Billing document split analysis log. It is made up of three parts. The first shows the header partners and header fields which are different in the two documents while the second and third columns show the respective values for these fields.
This provides you with a clear overview of which fields have differing contents, the information available, and why there was an invoice split.
This is from the following SAP HELP DOC:
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