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SAP Installing a Temporary SAP License

Posted by Admin at
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In the following cases, it could be necessary to use a temporary license to bridge the time until the SAP license has arrived by fax:

  • If the hardware configuration of the host on which the message server is running changes, the customer key of the host can also change.
  • If the message server is moved to another host.
  • If the license has expired. The expiry date can be extended by 3 weeks with the temporary license.


  1. Log on to the host on which the central SAP instance is running as user
  2. adm (UNIX and NT) or OFR (AS/400) at operating system level.
  3. Enter saplicense -temp (AS/400: saplicense '-temp').

Enter the SAP System ID when it is requested.

The following message shows that the program has terminated successfully:

saplicense: Temporary license successfully installed

Rejection of a Temporary License

SAPLICENSE rejects installation of a temporary license in certain cases:

  • A temporary license can only be installed if a valid license existed and has been used recently (within the last 3 weeks).

The following message tells you that a temporary license cannot be granted because the date of the last successful license check was more than 3 weeks ago:

saplicense: Temporary license NOT installed, *** Old license older than 3 weeks

  • If the R/3 System is set up from a copy of an existing R/3 System, it is not possible to install a temporary license for the first time.

Apply for a license before you want to work with an R/3 System that has been copied.

Keyword: BASIS
Title : SAP Installing a Temporary SAP License


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