We have added search box. Key in SAP issue keyword to search

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SAP Component

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To find which Tcode belongs to which SAP Component, goto TCODE SE38 and run the report RSSTATUS:-

In the pop-up box, you can see the following Objects:- TCODE, Report, Data element or Table name and hit enter.

If we give the TCODE STMS and hit enter, we can see the search results as "BC-CTS" component. Refering as STMS belongs to the "BC-CTS (Change & Transport System)" SAP Component.

If we give the REPORT RSBTCDEL and hit enter, we can see the search results as "BC-CCM" component. Refering as report RSBTCDEL belongs to the "BC-CCM" Computing Center Management System SAP Component.

If we give the Table VBAP and hit enter, we can see the search results as "SD-SLS" component. Refering as report VBAP belongs to the "SD-SLS (SALES)" SAP Component.

If we give the Data element MATNR and hit enter, we can see the search results as "CA-GTF" component. Refering as Data element MATNR belongs to the "CA-GTF" General Application Functions SAP Component.

Keyword: BASIS
Title : SAP Component

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