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How to Increase the Tablespace free space?

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Your tablespace PSAPBTABD is 92% used. How to increase the free space?

SAPDBA V3.1I - SAP Database Administration


ORACLE version :
SAPR3 : 31H, 23 times connected

a - Startup/Shutdown instance h - Backup database
b - Instance information i - Backup archive logs
c - Tablespace administration j - Check (and repair) database
d - Reorganization k - Restore/Recovery
e - Export/import l - Show/Cleanup
f - Archive mode m - User and Security
g - Additional functions n - Help

q - Quit

Please select ==> c


Tablespace administration


Current value
a - Tablespace:
b - Log checks: no

c - Free space and fragmentation of all tablespaces
d - Check free space of objects in all tablespaces
e - Check free space of objects in tablespace

f - Alter tablespace Add Datafile
g - Create/drop tablespace

h - Display all tablespaces and datafiles
i - Display raw device drivers in /dev

q - Return

Please select ==> a

Enter tablespace name [%] ==> psapbtabd


Tablespace administration


Current value
a - Tablespace: PSAPBTABD
b - Log checks: no

c - Free space and fragmentation of all tablespaces
d - Check free space of objects in all tablespaces
e - Check free space of objects in tablespace PSAPBTABD

f - Alter tablespace PSAPBTABD Add Datafile
g - Drop tablespace PSAPBTABD

h - Display all tablespaces and datafiles
i - Display raw device drivers in /dev

q - Return

Please select ==> f


Alter tablespace PSAPBTABD add datafile


Current value

a - File system or raw device: file system
b - File size: 2088960 K (larger than free space)
c - Select path: /oracle/ALD/sapdata5
d - Alter suggested path: /oracle/ALD/sapdata5
free space: 3608 K
e - Display current files: 10 files, total (in DB): 77

s - Start (Add datafile)

q - Return

Please select ==> s

Keyword: BASIS
Title : How to Increase the Tablespace free space?


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