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RE:[sap-acct] Material Num and GL Determination - How Does the Material NUM Determine the GL Account NUM

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Reply from tripathip on Jul 20 at 10:12 AM
Hi Ornaco,

Briefly Automatic account determination works like this
Material--> Material type --> Valuation class ------> | |
|GL account |
Transaction event ---> | |


---------------Original Message---------------
From: ornaco
Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2015 9:42 PM
Subject: Material Num and GL Determination - How Does the Material NUM Determine the GL Account NUM

I would like to understand how it works, how the material num determines the GL account NUM, since we have some dispute with the Accounting people about some pos thath were created with same Material group and same Item Category and even the same Internal Order Num but each line results in different GL num and the accounting are demanding GL num change which means changing PR, RFQ and only then PO, any idea?
PLS quite important to get some answers this morning

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