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Re: [sap-security] Authorization Object Collision

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Reply from Alex Ayers on Feb 7 at 7:13 AM
I assume that it refers to 2 or more transactions sharing a common object
and the requirements of one transaction cause problems with the other.

The solution will depend on the situation. Some examples can include:

Accepting it and doing nothing.
Accepting it and mitigating it.
Find another way of executing the functionality an removing one of the
offending transactions.
Deactivating one or more auth checks for one or more transaction
Adding in additional checks through the enhancement framework.

Which one you choose will depend on the specific circumstances.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Avinash
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 6:48 AM
Subject: Authorization Object Collision

What is Object Collision and How can we restrict Authorization object Collision in SAP

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Alex Ayers  

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