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RE:[sap-acct] Script Recording and Playing Back Option in SAP GUI

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Reply from LCC352 on Aug 21 at 2:21 PM
Hi, Jan,

Not sure I understand your question. The drop down menu is the path I mentioned above. Do you not have that menu? What other drop down menu are you referring to?

All the other options on that Recorder menu off the system menu are greyed out until you actually get to the recorder. Then there are all sorts of options from that screen.

- Lou

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Sudhakar
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2012 3:04 PM
Subject: Script Recording and Playing Back Option in SAP GUI

Hi, From one of the user I had a query asking how to use the option of recording the script and palying back for repeated activities like pulling out open items list for all the vendors and againg etc work in excel by just chaning the dates in script when we are playing it on day wise. The option is available in SAP GUI 720. Can this be used for repeated activities in SAP like reports pulling etc in Finance & Accounting activities. I saw the option in Customizing option in GUI SAP PRD.

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