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[sap-abap] Table data possible in simple email (eg output type MLGR)

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Posted by llangley2511
on May 3 at 3:20 AM
I have a request to change output type MLGR to be collective and include some header details and all item details from the GR.

At the moment it is individual and processes per item.

Client would like the data to appear as follows:
PO #: 1234567890
Created by: A Person
Req Raised by: AB Person

Material Description Qty Delivered
ABCD1234 Short Text 1
EFGH5678 Text here 1
IJKL0123 Text again 1

Because this is a "text" as such and not a SAPScript, I'm unsure exactly how to go about this.

Is there an alternative to WRITE_FORM that will work within the "text" area? Where you can have elements etc?

Thanks in advance
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