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RE: [sap-log-pp] Items going to QA inspection without being flagged to do so in MM03

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Posted by Harish (Application Consultant)
on Apr 2 at 5:36 PM
Mark this reply as helpfulMark as helpful
In your PO check which stock type is appearing?? If it shows quality inspection then it will be posted to QI stock...however you can change it at the time of GR....

Harish Bhangale

--- On Sat, 3/4/10, David71 via sap-log-pp <sap-log-pp@Groups.ITtoolbox.com> wrote:

From: David71 via sap-log-pp <sap-log-pp@Groups.ITtoolbox.com>
Subject: RE: [sap-log-pp] Items going to QA inspection without being flagged to do so in MM03
To: "Harish Bhangale" <hbhangale@yahoo.com>
Date: Saturday, 3 April, 2010, 2:22 AM

Posted by David71 (SAP Analyst)
on Apr 2 at 4:51 PM Mark as helpful

Are you sure it wasn't moved from Unrestricted to QI via 322 mvt?

: Mike Woodall Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 4:38 AM Subject: Items
going to QA inspection without being flagged to do so in MM03 > All, > >
We are a manufacturing plant and we control inspection stock by using
the "post to inspection stock" flag within the material master. However
there are some items without this flag that are going into inspection
stock. These are all grouped together in a set MRP controller / work
centre but I can't find anywhere where a QA flag would be automatically
placed on an item. We don't use the QA module here. Can anyone offer any
advise? Thanks
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