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[sap-acct] Clear open GR/IR

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Posted by pavan potharaju
on 07/15/2009 10:31:00 AM

We have done GR for an Asset PO and thereafter the asset got depreciated.
Later, no invoice received from vendor for this PO and hence decided to close the open GR/IR account.
We tried doing MR11, but as asset already got capitalised and depriciated, its not allowing us to post account maintainence entry - Givinbg error "Dep area 10 conflicts with net book value rule"
We cannot even reverse GR as the Asset is being used.
probable solution could be to remove direct posting flag for GR/IR clearing account and then to make a maual entry by debiting GR/IR account and crediting "gain from vendor a/c" and later to maually clear the open items.
Please advise.

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